Geothermal FAQ

What is Geothermal Heat and Cooling?

Geothermal uses the ground instead of outside air to provide heating, air conditioning and, in most cases, hot water. Because they use the earth’s natural heat, they are among the most efficient and comfortable heating and cooling technologies currently available.  In addition, using the energy of the earth is a good for the environment as it is a renewable resource.

ENERGY STAR qualified geothermal heat pumps use about 30% less energy than a standard heat pump.  They are quieter than conventional systems.  Though these products can be more expensive to purchase up front, the cost difference will be paid back over time through lower energy bills. (Source:  Energy Star)  MacGregor can provide you with all the details about building a geothermal system into your new or exiting home.

Geothermal Heat Pump 30% Tax Credit

Under the Energy Policy Act of 2005, geothermal heat pumps were eligible for tax credits. EESA creates a new tax credit for home owners who install a geothermal heat pump. The heat pump must be Energy Star certified to qualify for the tax credit. The tax credit can also be used to offset any Alternative Minimum Tax liability.

Note: The geothermal tax credit is retroactive to January 1, 2008, and expires on December 31, 2016. Learn more here.

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