Heating Season Is Almost Here!

The cool fall weather is almost here! As homeowners embark on autumn adventures like pumpkin picking excursions, pumpkin spice lattes and fall sightseeing, we want to remind you that fall is the predecessor to winter!

Yes we know….huge downer, but we’re here to give you a gentle reminder that fall only lasts for a brief time and during that break from severe weather, preparation for your home’s heating system against the cold is a must!

During the year, your heating system gets dirty and slow, just like a car that sits in the driveway; it’s going to need a tune up before you take it for a spin! That’s why right now, MacGregor is offering a $149 Gas Furnace or Boiler Inspection Special!

When you get your heating system inspected you can be sure that the winter weather won’t be affecting your family inside your home! When MacGregor performs one of our signature heating inspections on your system, it creates benefits for you and your home, like:

  • Longer system life
  • Reduced repair costs
  • Reduced energy costs
  • Warranty protection
  • Safety and reliability assurance
  • Improved indoor air quality
  • And much more

Call our office today to schedule your inspection before this special ends, October 31st! 231.526.9633

* Excludes Oil Furnaces, Geothermal and Heat Pumps. Must schedule by October 31, 2015. Excludes other offers and specials.

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